Tuesday Teaser: What Was Lost

Tuesday Teasers is hosted by Should Be Reading. The rules are as follows:

Grab your current read and let the book fall open to a random page. Share two sentences from somewhere on that page and the title of the book that you’re getting the teaser from. Please avoid spoilers! Read the official Tuesday Teaser Rules.

My teaser this week is from What Was Lost by Catherine O'Flynn. From page 91:

Every now and then, perhaps bristling at the unwavering flow of hatred directed at it, the lift would suddenly disregard all floor requests and plunge at high speed down below the ground floor into an unused subterranean extension of the shaft, where it would sulk in its hole for anything from thirty seconds to, on one occasion, two hours (inevitably, in that instance containing Unlucky Kieron from the stockroom). Most staff had experienced this petulance at some point and, as the lift had started its swift descent, all without exception had been momentarily convinced that the cable had snapped and they were racing towards a concertinaed end.


Sarah on October 18, 2011 at 8:04 AM said...

Ooh what's going on there?

Jackie McGuinness on October 18, 2011 at 8:48 AM said...

Definitely have to add to my TBR list!! I read The News Where You Are by Catherine O'Flynn and really enjoyed it.
Here's my teaser

Staci on October 19, 2011 at 9:28 PM said...

Good teaser!


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