Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

I stumbled on The Turtle Catcher by Nicole Lea Helget while perusing the chapters/indigo site and thought the book description sounded interesting:

'In the tumultuous days after World War I, Herman Richter returns from the front to find his only sister, Liesel, allied with Lester Sutter, the "slow" son of a rival clan who spends his days expertly trapping lake turtles. Liesel has sought Lester''s friendship in the wake of her parents'' deaths and in the shadow of her own dark secret. But what begins as yearning for a human touch quickly unwinds into a shocking, suspenseful tragedy that haunts the rural town of New Germany, Minnesota, for generations.

Woven into this remarkable story are the intense, illuminating experiences of German immigrants in America during the war and the terrible choices they were forced to make in service of their new country or in honor of the old. The Turtle Catcher is a haunting love story and a lyrical, vibrant, beautifully wrought look at a fascinating piece of American history - and the echoing dangers of family secrets.'

I like the combination of secrets, an unusual occupation (well, I'm assuming there are not too many turtle catchers around) and World War One. I've put this one on my wish list!


bermudaonion on April 14, 2010 at 8:12 AM said...

This does sound interesting!

Staci on April 14, 2010 at 3:47 PM said...

This one sounds very interesting. I like that it takes place during WWI...there seem to be very little books during this time period and way more on WWII

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea on April 14, 2010 at 7:01 PM said...

I think i would love this book; thanks for featuring it.


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