Rhys Morgan Aurelio Lucas, otherwise known as just plain Lucas, is drifting through life in Barcelona, working as a translator and barhopping with friends, most of whom are also living a laidback lifestyle somewhat off the beaten path. One day Lucas receives a mysterious postcard with just a date and time written on it. There is no indication who sent the card and no message but the picture is a Joan Miro painting which could be found at the Miro Foundation – a short distance from Lucas’s home. Out of curiosity he goes to the museum at the specified day and time and makes his way to the room the painting can be found in. This is the beginning of a series of events that eventually are seen to have their roots springing from a sect that is mostly hidden from the outside world but involve an ancient people called the Cathars. From the time Lucas goes to the museum until he meets up with some members of this sect, he encounters a fire eater, a mysterious group of people called roof-dwellers and a man wearing a green suit. Lucas becomes suspicious that these people are somehow connected to the mysterious postcard. I won't say more so as not to give anything away.

I liked this book because it's different from the usual genre fiction - it has a mysterious oddness to it that I can't put my finger on, but works.


Anonymous said...

If you liked this book you would like the work of the British Novelist Rupert Thomson. Divided Kingdom by Thompson reminds me of Color of the Dog Running Away.Thompson combines many genres with wonderful prose.


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