Teaser Tuesday!

Tuesday Teasers is hosted by Should Be Reading. The rules are as follows:

Grab your current read and let the book fall open to a random page. Share two sentences somewhere between lines 7 and 12 and the title of the book that you’re getting the teaser from. Please avoid spoilers! Read the official Tuesday Teaser Rules.

My teaser is from page 60 of The Apple by Penelope J. Holt:

Herman took his mother's arm. Isydor helped Uncle Avram and Aunt Hannah, who were struggling to keep up with the press of bodies that flowed like a torrent, driven by shrill, incessant commands, towards the assembly points and railroad siding.


Liz on December 15, 2009 at 2:23 PM said...

I must say, I love the cover of your book, if nothing else. Very effective.

I'm reading (in addition to a novel), an enlightening look at life with bipolar disroder, "Blessed with Bipolar." The author takes the position that those with bipolar also have more than 35 God-given gifts as a result. And he chooses to focus on what he has and what he is able to do, and that adversity is an opportunity for growth. Should you know someone who has this disorder or another mental illness, as I do, you'll get a lot out of this book.

Here's my teaser: ''Now – seventeen months later – I have a publishing agreement with Xulon Press for “Blessed with Bipolar,” I am two classes short of ministry certi- fication, and I have some money available should I decide to rent a small office for a private counseling practice. All because my bipolar brain was willing to believe that God wanted to have a chat.''

I love the hopefulness, the idea that a diagnosis is not a death sentence.

Staci on December 15, 2009 at 4:04 PM said...

Excellent teaser and it has made me want to read this one!!! The apple wrapped with barbed wire is very interesting....

Missy B. on December 15, 2009 at 4:10 PM said...

Interesting....I am going to investigate this book further - great tease, it's got me wondering!

Meytal Radzinski on December 17, 2009 at 4:14 AM said...

Based on the cover and the teaser, I'm going to guess that this has some connection to the Holocaust... pointless speculation, yes, but I'm curious. It's an interesting cover, though I'm afraid I'm not very drawn to the quote.

Literary Feline on December 17, 2009 at 11:41 AM said...

I've heard such good things about this book. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it.


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