Tuesday Teaser: The 100-Year-Old Man by Jonas Jonasson

Tuesday Teasers is hosted by Should Be Reading. The rules are as follows: Grab your current read and let the book fall open to a random page. Share two sentences from somewhere on that page and the title of the book that you’re getting the teaser from. Please avoid spoilers! Read the official Tuesday Teaser Rules.

My teaser is from The 100-Year-Old Man by Jonas Jonasson. From page 73:

While the company commander sat in his foldable military field chair and ruminated upon whether Allan's immediate future was employment or execution, one of the platoon leaders whispered in his ear that the young sergeant who so unfortunately had just been shot to bits had previously affirmed this strange Swede's abilities as a master in the field of explosives.


essaykings.me on November 23, 2015 at 5:38 AM said...

I've found very little of the biography of Jonas Jonasson. So strange. I thought he should be popular. Especially the last part of The 100-Year-Old-Man.


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