My friend Cindy hosts this meme of books bought during the past week.
I bought two books last week at a local used bookstore. I know what you're thinking...why would she buy books at a used bookstore when she's already got her own store where she can pick and choose to her heart's desire?? Well, the answer is simple: I didn't have these particular books and I wanted them. So there!
The first book is Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson. It's a book I borrowed from a friend and I've been reading it very slowwwly over the past couple of weeks. It's not that the book isn't good, but along with being ridiculously busy I'm also reading three books at the same time. Now that I've bought my own used copy I can return my friend's book and not worry I'll forget or it'll get lost somehow.
The second book is The Revenge of Captain Paine by Andrew Pepper. I have the first book in this historical mystery thriller series and was looking out for the second. (Can you tell I'm genre-challenged??).
You've got it bad. I can't wait to see what you think of Out Stealing Horses.
Donna you are too funny.
I take it that you didn't buy that book at your store then? LOL
I hope you enjoy your new books.
Came by your new bookstore this morning to buy some books. Your post last week sure gave me the itch! But I came at the wrong time. I will contact you for the store's phone number. :-)
You are funny! (But then again, I completely understand.) Enjoy your books!
I loved Out Stealing Horses; hope u do too.
That made me laugh!! and when you're done with them you can sell them at YOUR store!! LOL!!
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