My New Kobo!

I gave myself a present recently - a new Kobo eReader. It's sleek, small and, most importantly, affordable. At $150, this is the most inexpensive ereader currently on the market. But at $150, it has limitations (generally speaking, you get what you pay for). I might have preferred a Sony, I think, only because one can turn pages with that device by touch. With the Kobo you have to press a button. A five-way button so one needs to be careful that one doesn't press it in the wrong direction (well, not that big of a deal, you just have to press to go back). So, it's not as fancy as the others out there, actually kind of primitive really, and I'm guessing that in five or so years, these particular Kobos won't be manufactured anymore. But, for the time being it serves to stave off my craving for an iPad! Other features it has:It will tell you what page you are on in a chapter, but not what page you are on in the book;
  • It will save your page;
  • It has currently reading books in a 'subfolder';
  • It will hold up to 1000 books;
  • You can buy a memory chip to hold more books;
  • It comes with two fonts;
  • You can change font-size;
  • Comes loaded with 100 classics (well they're free via anyway, but at least I don't have to do the work of loading them).
Except for the first bullet (I like to know what page I'm on), these are some of the features I like about it. Mind you most other readers have these in their basic models as well. What I still need to get used to is the sense of not being able to easily flip through the book I'm reading. I just don't get the sense of where I am in a story as I do in a paper book. But perhaps the 'flipping' is easier to do with a Sony or other touch eReader.

Do you have an e-reader? If not, are you considering getting one? If you do have one, how do you like it?


DCMetroreader on June 17, 2010 at 8:45 AM said...

Congrats! It sounds awesome! Happy reading!

Staci on June 17, 2010 at 8:15 PM said...

I don't have one but of course I've been coveting the Nook for months now!! Have fun with your Kobo!!

Chèli on June 17, 2010 at 10:46 PM said...

I've been think about getting an e-reader and even been researching so that I pretty much know that if I buy one it will be a Nook. But it won't be anytime soon that I can figure. My MP3, which I used to listen to audiobooks, just gave up the ghost after 4 years and I know that I need to replace that. But if it turns out to be too expensive, I may bite the bullet and just get the Nook since it can handle audiobooks too. A DILEMNA!

Meytal Radzinski on June 18, 2010 at 2:41 AM said...

I've got a Sony Reader I'm quite pleased with, but everyone has different preferences for eReaders. The numbers from the book blogger survey I conducted through my blog a few months ago found, though, that most book bloggers with eReaders have opted for the Kindle (though the survey predates the iPad, so who knows...). Always nice to know of another eReader on the market - good diversity. Enjoy!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea on June 18, 2010 at 8:33 PM said...

Congrats on the Kobo; enjoy! I use the iPad as my eReader and love it.

bermudaonion on June 18, 2010 at 9:38 PM said...

I do have an e-reader and don't use it much. I hope you love your new toy!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads on June 27, 2010 at 1:55 PM said...

Congrats on your new toy! I don't have an e-reader and I really don't desire one. I love holding a book in my hands.

Donna on July 5, 2010 at 1:36 PM said...

Until recently I was a prisoner of the printed page. Now I've learned to like audiobooks. Not sure about e-readers though. Enjoy your Kobo. It sounds great.aurite

Mary Kontrary on July 17, 2010 at 11:23 PM said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog entry about my new baby, the Kindle2 that I just bought last weekend. As I mentioned, I love love love it! I love it so much, in fact, that I want to buy a second one for library books (ePub), which the Kindle does not. *boo* I am such a techno-toy nerd. But it is great to read on, isn't it, once you actually decide which of the dozens of books downloaded on it that you want to read. lol


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