Books On My Shelves

In this meme of 'books on my bookstore shelves' I really like to look around my store in a search for authors I've never heard of before. They don't need to be new releases or new authors - just new to me. This week I came across Gillian Slovo and her book, Ice Road.

It was shortlisted in 2004 for the Orange Prize. The blurb on the back cover reads:

Irina Davydovna is a cleaner. She has no time for politics or even, for that matter, people: 'rules and rulers may come and go, but dirt never changes.' Boris Aleksandrovich is a revolutionary. He thinks he understands power. But this is Leningrad in 1933 and Stalin is about to turn against their city.

When the life of his beloved daughter Natasha is threatened and his old friend Anton saves a skinny little orphan he finds on a Moscow train, Boris's faith in his ideals are put to the test. While Irina, watching it all, must learn the power of loyalty and of love.


bermudaonion on February 12, 2010 at 7:34 AM said...

The book sounds great and what a fabulous cover!

Waterwings said...

I discovered Gillian Slovo's work about a decade ago - and, actually, Ice Road is my LEAST favourite of hers that I've read so far! (she's that good!) Ties of Blood was OUTSTANDING, then I'd say Black Orchids, then Red Dust, then The Betrayal (ridiculously hard to find, though).

Laura at Library of Clean Reads on February 12, 2010 at 5:01 PM said...

If I keep reading your "books on my bookstore shelf" posts, I will be constantly running to your bookstore to grab more books!

Staci on February 12, 2010 at 9:34 PM said...

I had to look at the cover a few times before I figured out it was a woman...sounds like a great read!

Linda Nguyen on February 13, 2010 at 1:04 PM said...

Nice find. from far away, the cover looks like a painting. =)


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